Friday, July 24, 2015

Attack of The Evil Cemetery Clown

I seriously believe almost half the world is terrified of clowns, personally they don’t scare me but I have tons of friends and family members who would run screaming whenever they saw a clown. Recent controversy struck earlier this year regarding the terror of clowns when the remake of the Poltergeist released a poster featuring well a terrifying clown.

Since then clowns are all I can think about, so it should come to no surprise that I instantly wet myself after seeing the following video above. A couple from Chicago,Julia Graham and her current husband where driving past a cemetery at night when they were immediately scared shitless by a clown who “climbed a 7 foot gate and waved at them as they drove by”

Personally I might have ran after that clown just to shake his hand, I understand the terror of seeing a random clown in the cemetery if your afraid of clowns or especially if you ever saw the movie IT, however I cant help but find the humor in the fact this guy is so bored with his life, that he dresses as a clown as scares people at cemeteries! Watch the video above and let us know what you think!

Attack of The Evil Cemetery Clown

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