Friday, June 19, 2015

Kristen Taekman Responds To Ramona Singer"s Attack

The Real Housewives of New York City has started to finally get good, with battle after battle between Bethenny Frankel and well everyone, Ramona Singer finally had enough on Tuesday nights episode and went into attack mode after greeting Kristin Taekman.

Kristen Taekman took to her Bravo TV blog last night to respond to Ramona’s attack on her. Kristen psychotically believes that Ramona is out to get her. Kristen doesn’t understand why Bethenny just cant go on the trip and continues to make a big deal out of it. When will Bravo finally put the axe on Kristen? Kristen continues to yell at Ramona claiming that Ramona does not make the rules and that she stirs that pot.

“Ramona is always just out to get me. So because Bethenny is going through a divorce, I am not supposed to ask her about the trip? I should wait and hear about it later through the grapevine? NO! Ramona, you don’t make the rules. I do what I want, and she needs to back the F up. I am so over Ramona and her opinions. She walks right into Lu’s event and immediately criticizes and attacks me about NOTHING. Whatever, nice comeback…“I’m dumb”… ohhh, haven’t heard that one before. She just rambles and rambles and rambles and stirs the sh– pot.”

Kristen continues her blog sobbing that she feels like she clearly doesn’t fit into the group. She claims that she knows where her place is and understands that Downtown and the Upper East Side are two different worlds. Like really Kristen come the fuck on.

:You have a history with these women–years and years of friendships. I am an acquaintance of yours, just met Dorinda, and have talked to Bethenny once for maybe a minute or two. I’m the first to admit I do not fit into your little group. That is clearly obvious, and that is just fine with me. I know where my place is and Upper East Side and downtown are two different worlds, and I’m fine staying downtown with my family and friends. I understand we have nothing in common. I am still merely a MILF and not yet a cougar or, in your case, a panther. So back up and keep all your damn comments and negative energy to yourself, because I am so over your lack of respect”

It seems like all Kristen does in her blogs is bitch and moan and try to make people feel bad for her… What do you guys think?

Kristen Taekman Responds To Ramona Singer"s Attack

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