Tuesday, June 2, 2015

RHONY: Dorinda Medley vs Kristen Taekman Fight Scene!

The Real Housewives of New York City went to the Berkshires this week to celebrate new comer Dorinda Medley’s 50th birthday! While birthday’s are suppose to be fun this one was full of drama and tears!

Once the ladies arrived at Dorinda’s all hell seemed to break lose right away! While Ramona Singer and Kristen where talking about Johns behavior around them, the birthday girl Dorinda walked in on the conversation and wanted to know what was going on. This lead to an argument between Dorinda Medley and Kristen Taekman that seemed to get a little to intense for comfort.

Kristen claims that Dorinda’s boyfriend John was way to touchy feely when they where dancing, while Dorinda reminds Kristen that she seemed to be having fun dancing with John and if she didn’t want to be in a sandwich shes a grown women and can get out of it! Dorinda calls Kristen out for being a married women dancing with a single man! Ouch that’s some shade!

Theirs the extended scene but if you want to watch the whole scene (minus the extended part) watch this clip below!

RHONY: Dorinda Medley vs Kristen Taekman Fight Scene!

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