Wednesday, October 7, 2015

SHOCKING Joe Giudice Interview Admits Blame For Teresa Giudice"s Imprisonment

Finally the truth has been set free; for months I have believed that Teresa Giudice had little to no involvement in the government scam that lead her to a federal prison. The Real Housewives of New Jersey star, although I do love her, is just not…. smart enough to come up with such an elaborate plan.

At times Teresa Giudice acts like she has had little to no education, with her made up words and incorrect pronunciations of words its pretty clear that Giudice is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Joe Giudice is finally revealing the truth, and is claiming that he is solely to blame for Teresa’s prison sentence.

In a brand new interview with NBC News today, Joe Giudice takes full responsibility for the Giudice’s fraud charges that ultimately let both husband and wife to prison. Joe reveals that in court her took full responsibility for his actions and tried to clear his wife’s name…. but was unsuccessful.

Joe Giudice claims that his lovely wife Teresa was never suppose to go to prison, because she literally had no knowledge of what was going on and what she was signing. She simply was trusting her husband when he handed her documents, and that’s something she probably should not have done!

Joe Giudice was under the impression that part of their plea deal would include Teresa Giudice never being locked up, however clearly he can’t read documents either! Joe claims that he still has no idea what happened in the courtroom that day because he was under the impression their plea deal secured Teresa’s safety.

When Teresa Giudice was given her sentence Joe compared that moment to the feeling of someone snapping his neck. Both Joe and Teresa were both caught off guard. Joe also discusses the rumored surrounding him cheating on Teresa.

Joe claims that these allegations are completely false, and when the photos of Joe cuddling up to a female were brought up her claims that she was a friend of a friend that had been invited to the table by HIS friend and not him. Check out the video below and let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!


SHOCKING Joe Giudice Interview Admits Blame For Teresa Giudice"s Imprisonment

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