Sunday, September 6, 2015

Porsha William and Cynthia Baileys Brawl, Cynthia Reportedly Demoted

Earlier this week TMZ revealed some shocking news when the discovered that Porsha Williams was sent to the hospital after a hard heeled kick by Real Housewives of Atlanta co star Cynthia Bailey. According to TMZ’s report Porsha Williams was immediatly sent to the ER following an argument that got physical while taping the Reality TV show.

Cynthia Bailey was reported to have kicked Porsha Williams in the stomach as hard as she possibly could, the kick was that she was wearing 6 inch heels! Our inside sources reveal that this fight happened while the ladies were on a boat in Atlanta taping for next season. While the fight did happen on camera it will be interesting to see if Bravo TV actually uses to footage during the season.

Bravo has been known in the past, (Real Housewives of New Jersey), to edit out the physical altercation if they fear a lawsuit will occur. Then again if you look back at the Real Housewives of Atlanta, there psychical fights are always shown in full proportion.

Our sources claim that the fight occurred after William had called Bailey a complete bitch, while Cynthia tried to be the bigger person and walk away, Porsha followed her to the other side of the boat. This is when things really got heated as Porsha allegedly got into Cynthia’s face, which lead Cynthia to go all go karate kid on Porsha’s ass. Producers quickly got involved and held Porsha back before she could even react.

Now things are looking bad for Cynthia as it’s being rumored that she may just be getting demoted due to her physical altercation with Porsha Williams. “Producers want to see just how bad (or good, for ratings) the fight was … and there’s a possibility Cynthia could be demoted to the dreaded ‘friend of the cast’ title as opposed to full cast member.”

It looks like along with her demotion, Cynthia would also receive a huge paycut. As for Porsha Williams, her future is still up in the air as producers are struggling to decide if they want to include her fulltime or parttime. What do you guys think about this? Let us know in the comment section below please!

Porsha William and Cynthia Baileys Brawl, Cynthia Reportedly Demoted

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