Sunday, September 13, 2015

Kristen Taekman How Her Ashley Madison Scandal Might Save Her RHONY Job!

The producers of the Real Housewives franchises have never been shy to dance in some scandals, and use them to their advantages. Just look at the Real Housewives of New Jersey, producers used Teresa Giudice’s scandal fully to their advantages. They filmed her going to trial, they filmed her leading up to the days of her surrender. Hell they even filmed Joe Giudice recently while Teresa was still sitting in prison to see how he and the kids are coping without her.

Therefore it really should come to no surprise at all that the once rumored to be fired Kristen Taekman, might have a job following her husband’s Ashley Madison scandal. According to a new article published recently by Radar Online, Kristen Taekman might be returning to our screens for another season.

It’s been pretty clear that Kristen was cut out of most scenes last season, because well she was boring! Personally I’m not even sure why her husband’s Ashley Madison scandal might save her job, when she had the shittest season ever in terms of drama and screen time. Let’s just pray that this Ashely Madison scandal; leads to some heavy drama between Kristen and Josh or at least Kristen and the other ladies!

“The rumors that Josh has cheated on Kristen could actually save her from getting the axe,” an insider reveals to Radar Online. “Kristen hasn’t allowed marriage troubles to be played out in front of the cameras after her first season on the show. But if Kristen would be willing to allow cameras to document the fallout from the scandal, it could save her job.”

I’m not really sure how putting their scandal on Reality TV would lead to ratings, but I guess with the success of Kendra On Top (and her husbands Transexual Scandal,) that producers hope viewers will be excited to find out what went down between the couple!

Personally I have hated Kristen since she first step foot on the Real Housewives of New York City. She brings little to no drama, and when she does bring drama it well stupid (enter nail polish gate with Bethenny Frankel.) Everything she says comes off like shes complaining, and she always is giving dirty looks when she speaks. Shes over emotional and just so well boring!

What do you guys think of this recent news? Should Bravo TV bring back Kristen Taekman just so we could see how their Ashley Madison scandal played out? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

Kristen Taekman How Her Ashley Madison Scandal Might Save Her RHONY Job!

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