Friday, July 24, 2015

Bethenny Frankel Calls Ramona Singer Out After Charity BS

The Real Housewives of New York City’s empress Bethenny Frankel has certainly made an impact since returning to the show that helped her build her mega Skinny Girl empire. Frankel took to her Bravo TV blog earlier this week to discuss numerous topics including, calling Ramona Singer out for being uncharitable, Dorinda Medleys Apology to Heather Thomson and lastly the fact that she can be at times a tough cookie to crack.

Bethenny Frankel began her Bravo TV blog by discussing how excited she was for the viewers to finally be able to see her new apartment. We previously posted photos of Bethenny Frankel’s new apartment, this apartment while isnt finished yet is expected to have cost Bethenny a huge chunk of change.

“I was excited for all of you to see my new apartment, and I can’t wait until you get to see the finished product. I know you will love it. After hearing Carole’s side of the stranger-in-the-bed story, I’ve never felt safer standing in the middle of the road.”

Bethenny Frankel next went into discussing Ramona Singers hilarious freak out over the fact that Heather Thomson had her own name on the items she donated, and Singer felt that Heather should have included her name on the items as well. Bethenny calls Ramona “Vintage Singer,” for trying to get the attention of the press for what is suppose to be donations. Frankel calls Singer out on this act and reveals that she too had donated products however she declined having anything in return.

Ramona was vintage Singer. She donates eight necklaces but wants to hog the press for her brand. FYI, I donated product for the gift bags but declined the need to be on the step and repeat sign and asked for nothing in return. You need to pick your spots. Ramona chooses them all.

Bethenny Frankel next digs into the scene between Heather Thomson and Dorinda Medley, she claims that Heather Thomson was on point, however she understands Dorinda point as well after her apology. Frankel seems to think that Thomson has yet to fully forgive Dorinda like she claims to have.

Heather was on point. As far as Dorinda‘s apology and Heather’s acceptance, I understand Dorinda’s point. Accept it and move on, unconditionally. Heather had a vibe that was still hanging on to the apology.

Frankel ends her Reality TV blog by discuss her therapist Doctor Amadour, who she claims is a genious. Bethenny admits to being somewhat of a complicated cookie which further supports our earlier reports that Bethenny Frankel admitted to being overboard and annoying during the most recent taping of the Real Housewives of New York City reunion special.

Regarding Doctor Amadour, this man is smart. He knows me. Whatever he says is probably at least somewhat true. I’m a complicated cookie. That is no secret. I’ve had an interesting life and past, and therapy is an amazing tool for owning your stuff, becoming self-aware, and not being alone in your head.

What did you guys think of Bethenny Frankel’s Bravo TV blog this week and what did you think of the episode its self, let us know in the comment section below!

Bethenny Frankel Calls Ramona Singer Out After Charity BS

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