Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Meghan King Edmonds Begins to Plant The Brooks Doesn"t Have Cancer Seeds

Meghan King Edmonds, the newest addition to the Real Housewives of Orange County is definitely in for one wild ride this season. Its looks like, from the previews at least, that Meghan will be filling our screens with drama all season long. Meghan comes off a little well…. weird…. shes clearly obsessed with her husband, but in a weird way. “I promised my self I would never date a professional athlete, but then Jim Edmonds asked me out on a date,” maybe i’m just not into sports but who is Jim Edmonds…. and why would someone refer to their husband by their full name?

Anyway, the thirty year old bombshell is taking to her Bravo blog to discuss a few issues from last nights Real Housewives of Orange County. Her first topic, was the ever so sad, mock funeral of David Beador and Shannon Beador.

“Shannon’s story with David’s affair got me going again. My assistant, Melissa and I were in tears when we watched David apologize to Sophie, Stella, and Adeline. Those girls are some tough cookies. I know from personal experience that they are the sweetest, well-mannered, and smiley girls and they even had those same positive attitudes when accepting their father’s apology.”

We have already learned from the previews and Meghan’s interview last week, that she clearly doesn’t think Brooks has cancer. Were only two episodes in but it seems like Meghan is already planting the seeds that Brooks is lying about cancer. In her Bravo blog Meghan explains how she was shocked to hear that someone with cancer, who is in the midst of chemo, could take a vacation to Mexico. Just for your knowledge Meghan, when my mother was doing her chemo for cancer, she took a few weeks off it so she could go on vacation. She also did the chemo round right before we left because as anyone who has dealt with cancer knows, the first few days you have a cancer high, you actually feel good, its not until about 10 days or so that it starts to really hit you.

“However, I was a bit shocked to learn that Brooks is in the midst of his chemo and is going to Mexico. Some kind of physical strength he must have to be able to do that. Maybe it’s from all his holistic juicing and vitamin “cancer cures”.”

What Meghan said next in her Bravo Blog really pissed me off. Just to be clear first, my mother had cancer for 20 years, sadly she passed away last year. Being someone who has been around cancer his whole life, literally (My mother was diagnosed when I was four years old,) I actually found what Meghan said in her Bravo blog to be ridiculously insulting, what she had said above and what i’m about to show you next.

“When Tamra got to Vicki’s fiesta party and Brooks answers the door she says something like “I’m sorry for your circumstances” and Brooks responds by saying he’s GOOD, EATING HEALTHY AND DRINKING WATER. Really? If I was about to do my third chemo treatment (so I would already have been suffering the effects from the first two chemo treatments since the chemo-poison was already inside of me and working) I would not respond to Tamra by saying what I am ingesting, rather I would respond by at least saying “I am in the middle of treatment”. What cancer patient responds to a “How are you” question by solely offering the food they are eating and the liquids they are drinking? ”

Now…. to judge a cancer patient on their response to the question, “I’m sorry for your circumstances,” Is literally stupid. What is the correct response? Fuck personally I would make a joke, Brooks clearly was not interested in having a detailed convo with Tamra Judge, the person who has been bashing him for years, about his chemo. I don’t blame him for that at all. The next thing, when Meghan said, “What cancer patient responds to ‘How are you’ with what kind of food they are eating,” once again Meghan why would a cancer patient want to kill the mood at a party….. Hes dealing with cancer pal, you don’t think he just wants one day where no one accuses him of not having cancer.

This story line is really pissing me off. To quote Heather Dubrow, Who the Hell Lies about having cancer!

Meghan King Edmonds Begins to Plant The Brooks Doesn"t Have Cancer Seeds

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