Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Lizzie Rovsek Discusses Her Relationship With Tamra Judge

While Lizzie Rovsek was a little boring during last seasons Real Housewives of Orange County, she definitely brought some heat at the last reunion. That reunion was probably the only reason she still has a job with Bravo this year, and while Lizzie Rovsek may only have the title of “Friend of The Housewives” this year it looks like she might actually be getting more air time then last seasons “Friend of The Housewives” whose name we cant even remember.

Lizzie Rovsek is taking to her Bravo TV blog this week to discuss last nights episode, and her encounter with Tamra Judge. Lizzie opens up about feeling the pain Tamra must be going through with her ongoing custody battle, and explains she had already moved on from last seasons epic battle between them two.

“I was looking forward to a fun time at Vicki’s dinner party. I’ll be honest, I was feeling a little apprehensive about the event simply because I had not spoken to Tamra since last summer. I’m not one to hold a grudge and I was willing to let bygones be bygones. I have already moved on and I hope she has too. I understand Tamra went through a lot last year with the custody battle with her ex. I can’t imagine what she must have gone through emotionally or what that must have been like. I’m not making excuses for anyone’s behavior, but my heart goes out to her for that struggle she endured. My plan was to smile and have a good time.”

Lizzie reveals that it was a relief to find out that Tamra also had moved on passed all their fights last season. Admitting that they may not be best friends in one night, but with baby steps they can become friends.

“What a relief to know that Tamra had also moved past everything that transpired last year too. We are getting along and that works for me. I think at this point it’s really baby steps and if we can just keep putting our best foot forward I really don’t see any reason to rehash any old issues between us. It’s obvious we are both in very different places than we were last year and I’m grateful for that.”

What does Lizzie think of the other ladies?

“Shannon and I have become really great friends and I enjoy hanging out with her. Vicki is always the life of the party and a great host. I had not seen Heather in quite a while and I was looking forward to seeing her and Terry too.”

What do you guys think of Bravo bringing Lizzie back for this season? Are you excited to see her back in the fold with these ladies?

Lizzie Rovsek Discusses Her Relationship With Tamra Judge

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