Thursday, October 15, 2015

RHOC Brooks Ayers Cancer - Is He Lying and Did Vicki Gunvalson Play a Part?

The Real Housewives of Orange County held its finale on Monday night, and it was pretty much like a car crash. Tamra Judge found Jesus, Shannon Beador’s husband’s affair was brought up in public, and Vicki Gunvalson ran away with her tail in between her legs! The most explosive part of the episode was seeing Shannon Beador and Vicki Gunvalson battle it out over loyalty, and well frankly I’m not sure these two former best friends will ever be the same again.

This entire season has been focused on Brooks Ayers cancer diagnosis, which is a little odd considering he isn’t even a housewife! Thanks to this storyline taking over the entire season, poor little Lizzie Rovsek was left out of….well almost all the episodes. Sadly Lizzie actually was originally filmed as if she was a main cast member, which means there are hours of footage featuring Lizzie that just wasn’t shown.

Anyway the question on everyone’s mind these days is did Brooks Ayers lie about having cancer, and if so did Vicki Gunvalson play a part in this! At first I honestly felt…dirty even questioning if Brooks Ayers was lying about having cancer. I have heard from our viewers that people actually do lie about having cancer, but in my world they don’t. So in the beginning of the season I actually found myself defending Brooks Ayers, I mean sure he did tell Briana’s husband to beat her… but he couldn’t be sick enough to lie about having cancer could he?

Because I was under the impression that Brooks Ayers really had cancer, I instantly hated Meghan King Edmonds. Well I originally hated her for being mean to Shannon Beador, but calling out Brooks Ayers cancer was the last straw for me. However halfway through the season I found myself on a different team.

I was now rooting for Meghan King Edmonds to take down Brooks Ayers! While I never thought that Vicki Gunvalson played a part in the whole Brooks Ayers lying about having cancer shenanigans, after reading Tamra Judge’s blog this week…. I am starting to question her motives. The icing on the cake, was hearing Shannon Beador explain in her blog the lies that Vicki Gunvalson told the group.

I really feel like Briana (Vicki Gunvalson’s Daughter) has been the voice of reason on the Real Housewives of Orange County over the past few years. When I found out that not only was Shannon Beador told that Terry Dubrow “rushed” to Brooks Ayers side during his first round of chemo, but also Briana I knew that Vicki Gunvalson had actually lied to them. Heather Dubrow would obviously know if her husband “rushed” to Brooks Ayers side, and when she revealed how it never actually happened, I started to think why would Vicki Gunvalson lie about this?

Why would Vicki Gunvalson makeup some dramatic bullshit story? What is her motives? If you read our article from last night where we posted a two-minute video from the Real Housewives of Orange County reunion, than you already know Vicki Gunvalson admits to lying about the whole story. The question is why did she make up this lie? I am under the impression that it’s possible Vicki Gunvalson knew Brooks Ayers was lying about having cancer.

According to Heather Dubrow, the question isn’t is Brooks Ayers lying about having cancer anymore (because they all know he is) it is now when did Vicki Gunvalson figure out that he was lying about having cancer. At the Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion, Shannon Beador came into the taping with proof that Brooks Ayers forged his medical records that he had shown Tamra Judge. Am I the only one surprised that it was Shannon Beador and not Meghan King Edmonds who did this?

According to our inside source, Shannon Beador got a PET scan at the same exact spot that Brooks Ayers had his. Shannon Beador, being the new Queen of Investigating (Sorry Meghan, Thrown taking over!) actually asked the Staff at the Newport facility if all their PET Scans had the same letter head and spacing. She was told that all PET scans from the facility have the same heading spacing and template! Shannon brought these documents to the Real Housewives of Orange County reunion, and compared them to Brooks Ayers medical documents that he showed Tamra Judge.

Guess what (although it should come as no surprise)? Brooks Ayers heading, spacing and template was completely different from Shannon Beador’s PET scan. When Vicki Gunvalson was asked about the differences at the reunion, she was speechless. I figure Vicki is pretty smart, and if she was actually in on faking these documents she would have come up with a smart response. The fact that she was silence, leads me to believe well she really didn’t know Brooks Ayers faked these documents. (BTW Brooks Ayers is now allegedly being investigated for forging these documents, or so it’s rumored)

As we reported a few weeks ago, following the taping of the Real Housewives of Orange County reunion, Vicki Gunvalson finally believed that Brooks Ayers lied to her about having cancer. Considering that even Vicki Gunvalson now believes that Brooks Ayers is lying about having cancer, I think it’s safe to say that he seriously is lying about having cancer. I honestly was shocked to learn that at the reunion Brooks Ayers called Vicki Gunvalson a liar and a manipulator. 

This woman, Vicki Gunvalson, defending Brooks Ayers more than she should have, and now he is calling her the liar! Please Brooks Ayers, get off your high horse, get off your pathetic lying throne, and admit the fucking truth! You do not have cancer! Seriously, they should have nixed this storyline in the beginning and just kept Lizzie Rovsek full-time. This storyline is just sickening, and I can’t believe it was the entire season. Lets hope that without a cancer storyline, Meghan will still be able to stay relevant.

In conclusion, of well my long ass rant. Brooks Ayers does not have cancer and Vicki Gunvalson was fooled. I do not think Vicki Gunvalson truly knew that the man she loved was lying to her about having cancer. Instead of yelling at Vicki ladies, maybe you should be yelling at Brooks Ayers. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below please!

RHOC Brooks Ayers Cancer - Is He Lying and Did Vicki Gunvalson Play a Part?

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