Thursday, October 15, 2015

Lizzie Rovsek Attacks Vicki Gunvalson and Meghan King Edmonds

The Real Housewives of Orange County held its finale on Monday night, and what a shit show it was! We finally got to see the explosive conclusion to the drama between Vicki Gunvalson and Shannon Beador, and well we are till left questioning whether or not Brooks Ayers has cancer! Lizzie Rovsek, the sort of forgotten housewife took to her Bravo TV blog earlier today to discuss everything that went down! She also took a few swings at Vicki Gunvalson and Meghan King Edmonds!

Just because Lizzie was barely featured on this season of the Real Housewives of Orange County does not mean that she wasn’t there for most of the drama surrounding Brooks Ayers cancer diagnosis, and of course David Beador’s affair. Lizzie begins her blog by explaining that she had no intention on writing a blog this week, I mean why would she kind of is irrelevant on the RHOC.

Don’t get me wrong I love Lizzie and I wish they used her more on the show, but Brooks Ayers cancer storyline took over and well Lizzie wasn’t really the type to talk about such a sensitive topic. What caused Lizzie to write a blog this week was the whole drama Meghan King Edmonds created on twitter earlier this week by fact checking who knew about David Beador’s affair. Lizzie claims this rubbed her the wrong way, and so she decided to write a blog so she could weigh in her opinions.

Lizzie cracks a joke about being demoted to the dreaded friend role by claiming she understands now why she was a friend this season; because she is a great friend! Lizzie claims that Shannon also confided in her about David’s affair, she respected Shannon enough to never bring it up on camera like the other ladies did. She also reveal that she is upset with Vicki Gunvalson.

She’s upset with Vicki for claiming that Vick has been Shannon’s only friend this season. Lizzie reveals that she never spoke a word about anything Shannon confided in her, and she also defended Shannon all season long. She feels like she has been a great friend to Shannon Beador, and is a little bothered by the fact that Vicki is trying to send the message that all of the ladies have been mean to Shannon.

Lizzie felt like Tamra Judge’s baptism was a wonderful event, however she is heartbroken that the even became more about Brooks Ayers cancer lies than the fact that Tamra Judge has found Jesus. Lizzie further claims that she does not fact check her friends, and finds the whole Brooks Ayers cancer storyline a bit sickening.

While she does believe that Brooks Ayers might be lying about cancer, she believes karma would get him back if that is the case. It isn’t up to the ladies to bring justice upon Brooks Ayers, but rather just nature itself will take Brooks Ayers down if he is lying about having cancer. I think that this is a great perspective on the situation and wish that Bravo included more of Lizzie’s opinion’s throughout the season.

Ultimately Lizzie feels bad for Vicki Gunvalson that the entire season has been based on Brooks Ayers cancer diagnosis. She also makes it clear that she does believe that IF Brooks Ayers is lying about cancer, that Vicki Gunvalson has nothing to do with it. She more importantly feels bad for Brooks Ayers if he is lying about having cancer, because seriously you have to be one sick twisted fuck to lie about having cancer.

Lizzie was particularly upset watching Shannon and Vicki’s friendship blow up at the baptism. Being a friend of both the housewives, she want’s nothing more than for these two ladies to work out their problems. She understands why Shannon Beador is upset, because when you confide in a close friend you trust them not to gossip about what you just told them.

She feels like Rhonda clearly through a low blow at Shannon for bringing up her husband’s affair in a public space, and claims that even she didn’t know Shannon was talking about her affair this season, which clearly means Vicki probably didn’t really either. Does anyone else wish Lizzie was featured more this season? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section down below!

Lizzie Rovsek Attacks Vicki Gunvalson and Meghan King Edmonds

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