Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Inside Lamar Odom"s Overdose : Track Marks, Cocaine and Hookers

Earlier this morning Lamar Odom was rushed to a hospital after being found unconscious at the ‘Love Ranch Brothel’ in Nevada. Lamar Odom is of course known for his time in the NBA, and his tragically downward spiral the ultimately lead to his divorce from Khloe Kardashian. While many believed that Lamar Odom was actually doing good, following his overdose this morning that just doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.

Lamar Odom was found unconscious after a three day pill and booze filled bender, while of course being in the “company” of lovely woman… who just happen to be prostitutes. Lamar Odom put out the big bucks (like any Kardashian would) as he requested the most expensive VIP treatment the Love Ranch Brothel has to offer.

While the “ladies” partied hard with Lamar Odom for three days, they claim that they didn’t see him take any illegal substances. He drank his cognac and ingested some herbal viagra, all the while spending sometime with prostitutes.  On his third night, Lamar requested to be alone, and asked the ladies who were partying with him if they could leave. When no one saw him all day, the ladies of the night started to wonder if he was okay.

At around 3 P.M. one of the ladies of the night entered his VIP room, to find Lamar Omar unconscious. While no one knows how long he was passed out on the floor for, its clear that a lot of damage has been done. It’s being reported by RadarOnline that Lamar Odom has track marks all up and down his arm, as well as a fairly large amount of cocaine in his system.

Doctors at the hospital that is currently treating Lamar Odom revealed that he does indeed have crack cocaine in his system, and this is ultimately what lead to his lungs being filled up with fluid. Currently doctors are rushing to save Lamar’s kidneys and lungs, both of which are failing! According to inside sources, practically every drug imaginable was found in Lamar Odom’s system, which makes it hard to believe that the ladies of the night didn’t see him do a single one!

Lamar Odom’s overdose is largely due to the amount of crack cocaine in his system, ultimately it lead to a buildup of mucus that he choked on while unconscious. While Lamar Odom may not be fully brain dead, doctors do believe that a massive amount of irreversible damage has been done to his brain. There are speculating that Lamar Odom possibly had a stroke as well.

Apparently the only organ in Lamar Odom’s body that is okay is surprisingly his heart, while the Kardashian clan is actually filming inside of the hospital (talk about doing anything for ratings,) his close friends have been denied the right to visit him. Yet somehow the Kardashians and their Reality TV cameras are allowed to see him!

Inside Lamar Odom"s Overdose : Track Marks, Cocaine and Hookers

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