Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Exclusive: Kim Richards First Post-Rehab Interview!

Unless you have been living under a rock… you probably heard about former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kim Richards recent troubles. She was arrested earlier this year not once but two times, she relapsed, she went to rehab… she left rehab… she went back to rehab… she left rehab. Honestly I can’t count the amount of times that she left rehab and then returned but you get the point! She has been having a rough year!

While Kim Richards has mostly remained silent since resurfacing a few months ago, Kim Richards stopped by her good friend (and also a recently fired housewife) Brandi Glanvilles podcast Unfiltered earlier this week to give fans an update on her sobriety! I guess I missed the fact that Kim Richards was recently injured but they first talked about her knee and foot injury.

Kim Richards claims that her injuries are getting better, let’s hope that the doctor didn’t give her any pain medication, and she claims that while it’s hard for her to get around things are getting better. The former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills stars next went into discussing Kim Richards sobriety, Kim Richards claims that everything is going good with her sobriety.

Kim Richards next went into discuss that she has a signing to go to in New Jersey on the 23rd, and that she is looking forward to reconnecting with her fans. She claims that she loves to hear stories from her fans, and she loves to be able to connect with them. Kim Richards reveals that she is doing really good and is actually really happy for once!

Kim Richards next discuss that while she really did have a bad year, things are looking brighter now and she is trying to concentrate on both her health and her family. Kim Richards and Brandi Glanville next discussed her children, if you recall on her children was in a mental hospital not that long ago but has since been released. Kim reveals that Chad is doing great and that he is in Michigan now, and her daughters are doing good as well!

Another subject that ladies brushed on was her ex husband Monty, who as you may recall is battling cancer. Kim Richards reveals that Monty is doing great, and that he actually just spent the last few days with her. She claims that they are spending quality time together and that they both are just trying to enjoy life while they still can.

Kim Richards further reveals that she is trying to live in the present now, and she tries not to look back in the past… or to forward into the future. What do you guys think about Kim Richards? Am I the only one who would love to see her return to the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section down below please!

Exclusive: Kim Richards First Post-Rehab Interview!

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