Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Meghan King Edmonds Gives Reasons Why Brooks Ayers Can"t Possibly Have Cancer

Meghan King Edmonds has clearly made an impact during her first season on the Real Housewives of Orange County, not since we saw Teresa Giudice flip a table have fans been so infested in a storyline. While most of us think that its sick that anyone would question someone’s cancer, we are all left wanting more. It’s like a sick obsession that none of us want to admit, but the truth is that we all want to find out whether Brooks Ayers is lying about cancer or not!

While at first, (although I hate Brooks Ayers) I was team Vicki. I felt like what Meghan King Edmonds was doing was totally over the line. Had anyone tried to question my mother’s cancer when she was alive, I would have went insane. Now months into the season, I can’t help but switch my views.

While Meghan may not literally have someone close to her with cancer (yes I know her husband’s Ex had cancer, but she didn’t know her for as long as she makes it seem like,) she does seem to bring out some valid points supporting the fact that Brooks Ayers may not actually have cancer.

Meghan King Edmonds took to her Bravo TV blog following last night’s episode of the Real Housewives of ORange County to discuss just that, the reasons why she doesn’t believe Brooks Ayers has cancer. Meghan begins her blog by discuss Hayley’s party, and if you want to read about that you can check out her blog in the link above. But let’s get down to the juicy stuff!

Meghan King Edmonds insists in her Bravo TV blog that at first she really did believe that Brooks Ayers had cancer, and she was asking questions because she literally was concerned about his health. (That one I’m not sure I believe.) Meghan claims that it was the inconsistencies between Brooks Ayers and Vicki Gunvalson’s stories that actually made her start to question “The Cancer.” Not only that but how offensive Vicki Gunvalson would get when talking about Brooks treatment options.

Meghan King Edmonds reveals that at this point in the season, she does not believe one bit that Brooks Ayers actually has cancer, and I have to agree with her on that one! Thankfully Meghan has provided us with a list of reasons that explain why Brooks Ayers probably does not have “The Cancer.”

Her first reason is that while Brooks Ayers insists that he is on a cleanse to help battle his cancer cells, at the same time he is drinking Alcohol. This of course is a big No No for cancer patients doing the cleanse because Alcohol has a lot of sugar in it.

Her second reason is actually debatable, and for me completely wrong. Sorry Girl. She claims that he travels while on Chemo which you’re not suppose to do. Just so you guys know, my mother had cancer for 20 years before passing away. So as a somewhat expert on the situation, if you time your chemo right you can travel. My mother was able to travel up until her last year, when she was to sick to even leave her bed. So just so you guys know, you can actually travel when you have cancer, you just need to time it correctly. Reason two debunked.

Thankfully Meghan’s third reason is pretty spot on! She explains how he skipped Shannon’s MD appointment because he got two flat tires, and seriously Shannon’s doctor is incredibly good. He has had great success rate, and I wish we could have brought my mother to see him. There simply is no reason for Brooks to not at least listen to Shannon’s doctor, I know my mother went to see as many as possible.

Meghan’s next reason is another one that can go 50/50…. okay maybe more like 75/25…. of course in Meghan’s favor. She claims that Brooks Ayers new “Cancer Doc” is not an oncologist. Yeah…. I’m pretty sure if I had cancer I would want to see an oncologist…. I’m not really sure I need to say more, it’s pretty incredible how a doctor whose secretary claims he doesn’t treat cancer patients…. would treat Brooks Ayers cancer. Ding Ding the witch is dead.

I searched online for information because I wanted to know the truth about The Cancer. I contacted his ex-girlfriend to find out more information. Did I go too far? Yes. I should have let it go. I am embarrassed that I dug so deeply. I didn’t trust Brooks or Vicki and I wanted to find an answer, but the way I went about it was wrong.

Meghan ends her blog by discussing how disappointed she is and offended that Brooks Ayers would use this Reality TV show as a platform to exploit himself, rather than the illness he is supposedly fighting. Another spot on comment by Meghan, I mean look at Yolanda Foster, she is doing everything and anything to raise awareness for lyme disease. Meghan believes that the treatment Brooks Ayers is getting is potentially dangerous, and she’s right. She also doesn’t think that Brooks Ayers should be giving the audience this false information.

Wow I can’t believe I just agreed with more than 50 percent of what Meghan was saying! Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below please!

Meghan King Edmonds Gives Reasons Why Brooks Ayers Can"t Possibly Have Cancer

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