Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Meghan King Edmonds Calls Vicki Gunvalson Out For Being Controlling, Plus Why She Loves Briana!

While last nights Real Housewives of Orange County was a complete dud, this weeks Bravo TV blogs are an absolute hit! Meghan King Edmonds begins her Bravo TV blog by discussing one of my favorite moments from last night’s episode. Enter Tornado Valley! For those of you who missed last night’s episode we Vicki Gunvalson was out visiting her daughter Briana when they received a tornado warning. While Briana was like alright this happens atleast once a week, Vicki almost lost her shit.

Briana decided to show Vicki the storm shelter they would use incase anything happen. If you seen Twister, than you know what a storm shelter should look like. Briana’s however looks like a jail cell under ground. One you would keep a terrorist in if you didn’t want him to be found.

Meghan reveals that she grew up in tornado alley and actually still has a house out their. We find out that Meghan King Edmonds has well lets just say a mansion of a storm shelter, that has toys, a TV and anything a normal hotel would have. Meghan and her husband wondering the first thing that actually popped into my mind after seeing Vicki enter the storm shelter. What the fuck would happen if that car blocks the storm shelter (the storm shelter is in their garage right next to their cars)

Next Meghan King Edmonds goes into the topic that we are all waiting to hear about…. cancer…. for the tenth time. Just kidding this time she wasn’t talking about whether or not Brooks Ayers has cancer, but rather if she has a breast cancer gene. Breast cancer Meghan explains is something that runs in her family, and she wanted to find out before it was too late whether or not she was at a higher risk of getting cancer. Meghan King Edmonds turned out to be lucky, because she finally got her results back and she was diagnosed negative for the cancer gene.

I finally got my results and they are negative but I continue to be vigilant about doing my monthly self-breast exams.

Now to the actual juicy part of her blog, where Meghan King Edmonds discusses the ending of last nights Real Housewives of Orange County. Meghan of course is absolutely in love with Vicki’s daughter Briana, and to be honest, who the hell doesn’t love Briana! She tells Vicki Gunvalson everything we want to tell her but can’t! She doesn’t ever stand down to her mother or Brooks and gave us the best season 8 reunion ever possible!

Meghan claims that she loves Briana because she seems “real” and “down to earth,” but lets be real here! She loves Briana because she tore Vicki Gunvalson a new asshole! For real! She loves Briana because she continues to attack Brooks Ayers which im sure makes Meghan orgasm everytime she sees! According to Meghan she realized something last night:

When Vicki said, “Say thank you!” to Briana. I am beginning to see a pattern; Vicki attempts to control negativity (or perceived negativity) in her life by overcompensating with “positives” she can control, such as a new car or invitation to stay at her home. Therefore she becomes a victim when a sore subject arises because she deflects to all the positive she has done.

Well damn girl! It looks like it might be possible that Briana was right last night when asked her mother if she bought a car solely to shut her up about Brooks Ayers. According to Meghan King Edmonds this is the exact reason why Briana got a brand new car. For the first time in forever Meghan King Edmonds didn’t attack Brooks Ayers cancer! Woot Woot! Go Meghan!

What do you guys think of Meghan King Edmonds Bravo TV blog this week? Do you agree with her opinion on Vick Gunvalson? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

Meghan King Edmonds Calls Vicki Gunvalson Out For Being Controlling, Plus Why She Loves Briana!

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