Saturday, September 19, 2015

Joe Giudice Begins Fight to Stop Deportation!

Real Housewives of New Jersey’s power couple (or shall I say power criminals) Joe and Teresa Giudice were both sentenced last October to shocking prison terms. While Teresa Giudice received only fifteen months, her husband Joe Giudice received not only four years, but the possibility of being deported back to Italy.

Now a brand new article released by Radar Online is claiming that Joe Giudice has already begun his fight to stay in the country. Joe Giudice has lived in the United States for over twenty years, but being the genius that landed his wife in jail he has yet to become an American Citizen.

According to sources close to the family Joe Giudice has no intentions on moving back to his homeland of Italy anytime in the near future. In fact Joe Giudice began his fight for citizenship shortly after Teresa and Joe began their criminal trials. According to this source, Joe will do anything legally possible to finally become a US citizen. This of course will be challenging considering that he applied for citizenship right after his very public trial.

Joe Giudice further proves that he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed when he told his friends that he didn’t understand how the US was letting Syrian refugees gain citizenship so easily while it been a horror for him to get. Clearly he doesn’t understand that he is now a convicted criminal while the Syrian’s are simply just trying to not get killed! Giudice insists that he is a model citizen and therefore should be getting citizenship over the Syrian Refugees!

Are you guys excited for Teresa Giudice and Joe Giudice’s new reality TV show “Teresa Checks In,” in case you guys missed it we posted a preview clip here! Let us know your thoughts about Joe and Teresa Giudice in the comment section below!

Joe Giudice Begins Fight to Stop Deportation!

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