Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Brandi Glanville Attacks Former Co-Stars

Brandi Glanville is of course known for outrageous behavior on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. While her drunken adventures may have earned her a main role on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills in the past, this year it cost her, her job.

Glanville has been known to speak her mind, and it comes to know surprise that she is pulling out all the punches in her latest interview with Entertainment Weekly where she discusses her exit from the Reality TV show.

When Glanville was first given the axe from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills she originally denied being fired, and pretended as if it was a mutual decision. Since then Brandi Glanville has admitted that she was actually fired from the show. In this latest interview Glanville reveals that the only reason she did the show in the first place was the money!

Brandi Glanville reveals that she has been asked to play a part-time role from Bravo producers, however she hasn’t been called into filming yet. We revealed earlier last month that filming of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills has finally begun and it looks like we may not see Brandi Glanville even playing a part-time role next year.

According to Brandi Glanville she is still close with her Reality TV BFF Yolanda Foster, and she is actually going to visit her this week. While it’s been rumored that Yolanda Foster is going to be returning for a small role next season, we have received word that the Yolanda Foster that is returning to the show is not the same woman that we saw last year. This time around Yolanda Foster is going in for the kill!

As we revealed earlier in the month, Taylor Armstrong has been questioning Yolanda Foster’s illness, and surprisingly enough not a single person on the show has defended Yolanda and her illness. This of course has Yolanda Foster fired up, and she has promised to go full on attack mode on Kyle Richards.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Yolanda Foster and Brandi Glanville are meeting up to discuss possible ways to attack Kyle Richards. According to an insider in production, Yolanda Foster will go after Kyle Richards in the worst way possible. She will be attacking how Kyle has mistreated Kim Richards since her arrest.

Back to Brandi Glanville’s interview, she next explains that she feels like she just broke up with an abusive Ex Boyfriend. The boyfriend of course being Bravo, considering how producers treat the housewives this isn’t a far off comparison.

Brandi Glanville next attacks her former co-stars by revealing how they are such big fame whores. She reveals that clearly all the ladies are very wealthy, and the paycheck they receive from Bravo is like pennies to them. She explains that it’s clear that these ladies are only on the show because the one thing you can’t buy is fame. The ladies are so desperate for fame that they are willing to put their own reputations on the line.

According to Brandi Glanville she only joined the show for the money, and when producers felt like she was only going to sign on for season six due to the money, she claims that they decided to give her the axe. Glanville reveals that she was surprised she was getting fired because she was doing the show for money, because she reveals that she has only done the show for the money in the past

What do you guys think about Brandi Glanville’s post firing interview? Do you think the other ladies are fame whores? Let us know in the comment section down below!

Brandi Glanville Attacks Former Co-Stars

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