Saturday, August 1, 2015

Inside Carole Radziwill"s Open Letter To Bravo TV Fans

Earlier this week Carole Radziwill wrote an open letter to the fans of the Real Housewives of New York City thanking the fans for their support during Tuesday nights episode where she reclaimed her husband’s ashes and reveals to the public why she decided to well make this emotional moment public and why she chose to share her story after at first turning Bravo TV down on the idea of following her to reclaim her husband’s ashes. Carole Radziwill begins her open letter by thanking her fans for their support Tuesday night and since the airing of the latest episode of the Real Housewives of New York City. She then thanks Bravo for the way they treated her story with such grace and honesty.

Bravo treated my story with grace and honesty. I’ve been on this show for three seasons now and it has been good, bad, and ugly. But the one constant is the integrity I try to bring to each story.

Carole next reveals that those close to her knew that she is very reluctant to talk about her husband and his family while on camera, so the trip to London with Dorinda Medley where she collected her husband’s ashes; was a story that was almost not going to be told. Carole reveals that at first when Bravo producers asked to follow her; as she made her way to London to collect her husband’s ashes from the church that was closing down, she initially said no.

It was a story I was reluctant to tell for many years. And one I almost didn’t tell. Those who have watched me for the past three seasons know that my husband’s family and my past life is not something I discuss on camera. It took me some time to allow Bravo to follow that story. Initially, I said no. I couldn’t imagine talking about this part of my life so publicly.

While Carole Radziwill was talking to Father Damien, she recalled a memory from after her husband has passed away. During this memory Carole promised herself that she would listen to everything that the universe puts in front of her from now on. The phone call from the Church telling her that they were closing their doors and that she must collect her husband’s urn, in her eyes, was a sign from the universe that it’s finally time to spill her own story. Carole reveals that she signed on for the show, and therefor she must take the good with the bad. Carole ultimately felt proud of the moment in London with Dorinda, and is glad that she got to have it.

I called Father Damien in London and we had a long talk. I remembered a promise I made to myself after Anthony’s death that I would listen to what the universe was putting in front of me–the good, the bad, and the weird–and I would follow it with as much courage as I could muster. For better or worse I signed on to this show. And here I am. Sure, I cried a bit and that is always embarrassing to me to watch, but in the end, as I watched it, I felt proud. Proud that I had the courage to talk about my husband. Proud, again, of the life we built together and proud of the life I have built since.

Carole Radziwill ends her open letter to her fans with an amazing quote she herself has written. It will definitely be going down in my quote book! Check it out below!

My heartbreak isn’t harder than anyone else’s. We all have to endure this life journey. Mine has brought me immense joy and immense pain. I’ve loved and lost. And like everyone else who has done that, I’m more hesitant now. Our hearts are not as resilient as we pretend them to be. It’s one thing to post uplifting inspirational words by day, it’s another thing to try to sleep with the scars at night.

What did you guys think about Carole Radziwill’s open letter to her Real Housewives of New York City fans? Let us know what you think about her open letter in our comment section below!



Inside Carole Radziwill"s Open Letter To Bravo TV Fans

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