Sunday, August 2, 2015

I Am Cait Spoilers : Will Caitlyn Jenner"s Conservative View"s Change Her Potential Impact?

I Am Cait Debuted on E! last Sunday night to well… disappointing numbers. While the Keeping Up With The Kardashians ‘About Bruce’ special over exceeded its expectations, Caitlyn Jenners, I Am Cait, has well everyone at E! questioning their decisions. According to reports by Radar Online, Caitlyn Jenner is reportedly furious at the Kardashian clan for refusing to promote his new E! documentary series.

When Keeping Up With the Kardashians is airing, the Kardashian clan are known for using their social media presence to help promote their show. However it looks like no one felt the need to help Caitlyn out with promoted her new show, and this has her outraged.

On tonight’s episode of I Am Cait, Caitlyn Jenner is sure to grab national headlines. In this newly released preview for tonight’s episode we see Caitlyn on a road trip with some of her transgender friends. When the topic of the LGBTQ community’s government support comes into play, Caitlyn Jenners old conservative side comes out to play.

Caitlyn Jenner believes that if the government continues to help the homeless and jobless LGBT community that they will grow dependent on it and therefore not attempt to get out of the financial pit they have been forced into. The transgender woman that Jenner is speaking with seem to become extremely uncomfortable with Caitlyn’s comments.

Jenny Boylan responds first, “Caitlyn has every right to be just as conservative as she chooses, but many transgender men and women need social programs to survive, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Living in the bubble is an impediment to understanding other people. Cait’s going to be a spokesperson for the community. This is something she’s going to have to understand.”

It looks like Caitlyn Jenner is learning her very first lesson when it comes to liberal politics! What do you guys think about Caitlyn’s comments? Is she just saying this for a ratings boost or is she really just that uneducated about the LGBT community? Let us know your thought’s in the comment section below please!


I Am Cait Spoilers : Will Caitlyn Jenner"s Conservative View"s Change Her Potential Impact?

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