Monday, July 27, 2015

Inside Ramona Singers New Book Life "Life on the Ramona Coaster"

Real Housewives of New York City’s Ramona Singer releases her highly anticipated autobiography tomorrow and only we have exclusive insights into her book. To say that Ramona Singer had an unlucky childhood would be an understatement. In Ramona Singers new book not only does she open up about the fact that her father use to abuse her mother, but she also revealed that her other siblings also fell victim to her father, and this of course finally led to Ramona Singer taking actions against her faither. In the following passage from Ramona Singers new book, Singer recounts an incident that occcured when she was only 15 years old.

“He gets in my face. I can smell the rancid alcohol on his breath and see the rancor in his eyes. Then he gets in my mother’s face, alternating scathing insults between us. Something he says, I can’t recall what, hits a nerve. I snap.”

After her father, a drunk mess, got into her mother’s face and starting screaming insults at the both of them, Ramona Singer finally snapped, she grabbed the longest kitchen knife she could find and lunged towards her father, she pointed the blade at his face and screamed for him, to stop or she would cut him!

“Without hesitation, I lunge toward him, point the sharp blade directly at his face and scream, ‘Stop it. Stop it right now … Or I swear I will take this knife and shove it into your neck.’ He backs away, startled.”

At this very moment, Ramona Singer’s childhood abruptly ended, she lost all innocence thanks to her father’s constant abuse, Singer had to grow up quickly or face further abuse from her father. After reading these stories, my mind on Ramona Singer instantly changed. She’s a product of her environment, and you can clearly see that she tries her hardest to be what she thinks is normal.

“I lost forever whatever was left of my childhood. I lost my innocence.”

Life on the Ramona Coaster releases worldwide tomorrow, also included in her biography is of course the downfall in her relationship with her former husband Mario Singer. We released the other day a part of Ramona Singer’s book where she included a letter her daughter had written to Mario, and to say it’s a heartbreaking letter is an understatement. Get your Ramona Singer Biography below!


Inside Ramona Singers New Book Life "Life on the Ramona Coaster"

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