Sunday, July 26, 2015

How to Fix A Small Car Dent On Your Own and Save Thousands

Last weekend I was involved in a small fender bender, a car came barreling through a red light and while I did manage to swerve mostly out of the way I was left with a huge dent in the front of my car after hitting a railing. The other car of course drove off leaving me stuck with the bill, while the body car shop I go to is usually cheap, they were asking for a thousand dollars to fix my car.

Fuck that, so I decided to do my own research online and found out that I could fix my car myself for merely an aerosol can and a blow dryer. Check out this video below because it literally works! I tried it myself after watching the video, and saved my ass a thousand dollars!

How to Fix A Small Car Dent On Your Own and Save Thousands

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