Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Heather Dubrow and How Big Is that Stick Up Her Ass?

Heather Dubrow of the Real Housewives of Orange County Franchise is probably the easiest housewife to get on your nerves, in simple terms, shes a know it all. Shes annoying as hell because shes so stuck up, and for the longest time she would never admit to it! Heather is constantly walking around with a giant stick up her ass, maybe even a pole. Her facial expressions are probably the worst, they always make me feel like someone is burning a cigarette into my eyeballs.

Heather Dubrow has finally….yes finally.. admitted recently that she may be controlling. This is just one of the hundred of horrible qualities about Heather Dubrow. In her most recent Bravo TV blog, Heather admits to being controlling yet at the same time denies being controlling during Tuesday nights episode.

Yes, I know I am controlling. However, I don’t care what anyone eats outside of me and my kids, the girls ASKED me to order!!! So think what you will, but that’s the truth!

Another thing that really annoyed me about Heather’s blog this week, was towards the end of it when she starts to discuss the ladies upcoming vacation. Heather claims that every time the ladies go on a girls trip Tamra Judge makes her do something adventurous. Like really Heather what the hell have you ever done that’s adventurous thanks to Tamra. When have you ever done anything adventurous in your life? With a stick that large up your ass im surprised you ever wear a bathing suite, you seem to be to good to show any skin aye? Seriously I would love to see the bitch skydive, only to watch the look on her face!

Every time we go on a girls trip Tamra makes me do something very adventurous, completely taking me out of my comfort zone. It’s one of the things I like about traveling with her. This trip sounds a little more chill though. Sun, sea, and CHAMPS, my kind of trip. Of course there’s always drama when we travel, so stay tuned for next week as we go to French Polynesia. Yes, I had to look that up…

Enough Heather Dubrow bashing….that is until her next blog! What do you guys think, are you too hoping Heather gets the axe next season?

Heather Dubrow and How Big Is that Stick Up Her Ass?

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