Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Octopus So Cute That Scientists Are Nameing It ‘Adorabilis’

We shall call him Adorabilis, this flapjack octopus has gone freaking viral, not only because he is just so damn cute, but because even scientist have fallen in love with this cute little pussy. Scientists in California have been researching this octopussy since the early 90’s, however they still haven’t come up with a new for this cutey. That is until now!

Scientists are considering naming this cute little creature, “adorabilis.” The scientific name being Opisthoteuthis Adorabilis. This little creature is in the same family as Pearl from Finding Nemo, which is why it doesn’t surprise me that hes so freaking cute!



Is anyone else considering bringing home one of these as a pet! Don’t worry you only need to swim down to the deep deep bottom of the ocean to find one!

Octopus So Cute That Scientists Are Nameing It ‘Adorabilis’

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