Monday, June 1, 2015

Chantelle Fraser: I Want Demetria Gone, Arzo is Sensitive and Her Apology was a Lie

Chantelle Fraser the breakout start from Blood, Sweat, and Heels is opening up in a brand new interview about last nights epic episode! Chantelle reveals that she apologized Arzo about the “Afghan Hound” comment because she genuinely didn’t realize how upset it had made her, since Arzo has thrown some jabs she thought that Arzo wouldn’t be so sensitive on the matter. When asked if she felt Arzo’s apology to her was sincere, she reveals that she did at the time, but since then, she has been called names and doesnt think Arzo was as sincere and she first believed! Chantelle also explains what was going through her head and what exactly it was that made her blow up at Demetria! What made you decide to you apologizing to Arzo for the “Afghan Hound” comment?

Chantelle Fraser: I apologized to her, because she seemed genuinely hurt by my comment. I didn’t realize Arzo was that sensitive (considering how quick she is to dish insults out). It got to the point where she was continuously jabbing insults at me as a result of our initial argument. I like to live in the present. I simply got bored of “Afghan houndgate.” Did you feel like her apology to you was sincere?

CF: In the moment it felt sincere, and we had a nice time for the rest of the trip. Our pogo stick competition was fun, and we had a few laughs. However, subsequent interactions, including her continued name calling, leads me to believe that this belief was misguided. You really seemed to go into protective mode over Geneva. Can you explain what led up to your blowup with Demetria during dinner?

CF: Yes, I am am not a passive aggressive person. I face issues head on and am not intimidated by anyone or afraid to voice my opinion. Geneva was disinvited to the wedding, because she “didn’t control me.” The nerve! That’s an insult in itself. I cannot be owned by anyone nor am I Geneva’s child.

What did you guys think about her interview? Is she telling the full truth and nothing but the truth? Only time will tell!

Chantelle Fraser: I Want Demetria Gone, Arzo is Sensitive and Her Apology was a Lie

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