Thursday, June 18, 2015

Bobby Brown Accuses His Sister Of Lying

It looks like Bobby Brown is pissed off at his sister Leolah Brown for accusing Pat of lobbing for the death of Bobbi Kristina. 

TMZ is reporting, he is furious his sister would accuse pay of lobbing to let Bobbi die because of her ongoing medical expenses. Bobby claims that these allegations by his sister are completely false.. 

TMZ reports, “According to our sources … Bobby claims Leolah is making it all up and hasn’t even been around his daughter — so she has no idea what Pat’s feelings are about Bobbi Kristina’s condition.. ”

They also report that Bobby believes his sisters motivations are simply about getting more attention. 

What do you guys think of Bobbi Kristina’s   situation 

Bobby Brown Accuses His Sister Of Lying

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